Privacy Policy for Monster Knockout

Effective Date: May 25, 2024

1. Introduction

Welcome to Monster Knockout, a game developed by SpotPixle ​Studios ("we," "our," or "us"). We are committed to protecting and ​respecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how we ​collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you ​use our game and related services. By accessing or using Monster ​Knockout, you agree to this Privacy Policy.


2. Information We Collect

a. Personal Information

Account Information: When you create an account, we may collect ​your username, email address, and password.

Profile Information: If you choose to create a profile, we may ​collect additional information such as your avatar, biography, and ​other profile details.

b. Non-Personal Information

Game Data: We collect data related to your gameplay, such as ​scores, achievements, and in-game preferences.

Device Information: We may collect information about your ​device, including the device model, operating system, unique ​device identifiers, and network information.

Usage Data: We collect information on how you interact with the ​game, including the features you use, the time spent playing, and ​crash reports.

Device Information: We may collect information about your ​device, including the device model, operating system, unique ​device identifiers, and network information.

Usage Data: We collect information on how you interact with the ​game, including the features you use, the time spent playing, and ​crash reports.

3. How We Use Your Information

a. To Provide and Maintain Our Services

To operate and maintain the game and related services.

To process transactions and send related information, such as ​purchase confirmations and invoices.

b. To Improve and Personalize Your Experience

To understand how users interact with the game and to enhance ​the user experience.

To personalize your experience by presenting tailored content and ​advertisements.

c. To Communicate with You

To send you updates, newsletters, and promotional materials.

To respond to your comments, questions, and provide customer ​service.

d. For Security and Fraud Prevention

To monitor and analyze usage and activity trends to detect and ​prevent fraudulent activity.

To ensure the safety and security of our users and services.

4. How We Share Your Information

a. With Service Providers

We may share your information with third-party service providers ​who perform services on our behalf, such as hosting, data ​analysis, payment processing, and customer service.

b. For Legal Reasons

We may disclose your information if required to do so by law or in ​response to valid requests by public authorities (e.g., a court or a ​government agency).

c. Business Transfers

In connection with any merger, sale of company assets, financing, ​or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by another ​company, your information may be transferred as part of the ​transaction.

5. Data Security

We use administrative, technical, and physical security measures ​to help protect your personal information. However, no method of ​transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is ​100% secure, and we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

6. Your Rights and Choices

a. Access and Correction

You have the right to access, update, or delete your personal ​information. You can do this through your account settings or by ​contacting us directly.

b. Marketing Communications

You can opt-out of receiving promotional emails from us by ​following the unsubscribe instructions provided in those emails. If ​you opt-out, we may still send you non-promotional ​communications, such as service-related emails.

7. Children's Privacy

Our game is not intended for children under the age of 13. We do ​not knowingly collect personal information from children under ​13. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a ​child under 13, we will delete that information as quickly as ​possible.

8. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will ​notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on ​this page. You are advised to review this Privacy Policy ​periodically for any changes.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please ​contact us at:

SpotPixle Studios


Thank you for playing Monster Knockout and for trusting ​SpotPixle Studios with your personal information. We are ​committed to protecting your privacy and providing a safe and ​enjoyable gaming experience.